Tag Archives: Womens Day

Celebrating Myself – Every single day

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Why should celebrating who we are remain for just one day? Waking up every day in the fullness of who I am is my celebration!
Is it easy? Heck, no… but that is the challenge of life. While there are some situations where dominant patriarchal trends put me at a disadvantage, most other challenges are situational and just what they are…. It is what it is…

Life’s not easy for many of us – and if I speak for myself, life has not been easy.
There has been violence, grief, loss, financial strain, professional setbacks, emotional distraught, betrayal, pain, suffering, health constraints, parenting woes, just f**king bad days that don’t ever seem to see a single ray of sunshine….
but then…. I do the only thing that I can do – put my foot in front of the other, and repeat…
similarly with my breath… inhale… exhale… repeat….

BUT 💜 , here’s the really grand part….

One would think that all this gunk of life would’ve somehow make me cold, hard, bitter, unloving…

I realize that I am far from it – that is not me.

I am wary, yes… once bitten twice shy and all that… but the heart has no brains, no? It continues to love…
It breaks & shatters & get hurt & grieves & wails & mourns and promises to be a bi*ch next time… but very soon mellows and realizes that it cannot…

I am surprised with the warmth I am capable of despite the pain and sorrow I have faced.
I am surprised at the softness despite the crude, hard blows I have experienced.
I am surprised that I can have empathy, when sometimes I didn’t really even have sympathy come my way…
I am always surprised at my ability to laugh even under extreme duress – this coping mechanism… phew…
I am often surprised at my ability to stay calm in critical situations…
And I am in awe of my resilience, my courage & my fortitude…

Yes, there are scars to remind me how I earned these qualities – scars I really wish I didn’t have to suffer the way I did to attain… but they are mine… EARNED by the walk of fire… and something to live by…

So, when we wish women on March 8th… it gets to me… because I think that was ONE day every year when everyone was treating us (and me) to happy memes & wishes & flowers & chocolates…. but the other 364 1/4 days, it was same old same old – crash… boom… bang….

So, no, folks… no Happy Womens Day from me to anyone… but this post.. this graphic that I sat this morning to create (along with a free Canva template for Luvena Rangel)… is to celebrate, acknowledge, admire, respect, cherish, applaud, nourish, nurture, and all other celebratory things…. every…. single…. day…..

Otherwise, it is just eyewash… and I have not time nor patience for it…

Celebrating myself today & everyday, everyone… and my wish for you is to celebrate yourself today & everyday too…

Because, we deserve to…

All my love,
Luvena Una Rangel