Tag Archives: Wisdom

Celebrating Myself – Every single day

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Why should celebrating who we are remain for just one day? Waking up every day in the fullness of who I am is my celebration!
Is it easy? Heck, no… but that is the challenge of life. While there are some situations where dominant patriarchal trends put me at a disadvantage, most other challenges are situational and just what they are…. It is what it is…

Life’s not easy for many of us – and if I speak for myself, life has not been easy.
There has been violence, grief, loss, financial strain, professional setbacks, emotional distraught, betrayal, pain, suffering, health constraints, parenting woes, just f**king bad days that don’t ever seem to see a single ray of sunshine….
but then…. I do the only thing that I can do – put my foot in front of the other, and repeat…
similarly with my breath… inhale… exhale… repeat….

BUT 💜 , here’s the really grand part….

One would think that all this gunk of life would’ve somehow make me cold, hard, bitter, unloving…

I realize that I am far from it – that is not me.

I am wary, yes… once bitten twice shy and all that… but the heart has no brains, no? It continues to love…
It breaks & shatters & get hurt & grieves & wails & mourns and promises to be a bi*ch next time… but very soon mellows and realizes that it cannot…

I am surprised with the warmth I am capable of despite the pain and sorrow I have faced.
I am surprised at the softness despite the crude, hard blows I have experienced.
I am surprised that I can have empathy, when sometimes I didn’t really even have sympathy come my way…
I am always surprised at my ability to laugh even under extreme duress – this coping mechanism… phew…
I am often surprised at my ability to stay calm in critical situations…
And I am in awe of my resilience, my courage & my fortitude…

Yes, there are scars to remind me how I earned these qualities – scars I really wish I didn’t have to suffer the way I did to attain… but they are mine… EARNED by the walk of fire… and something to live by…

So, when we wish women on March 8th… it gets to me… because I think that was ONE day every year when everyone was treating us (and me) to happy memes & wishes & flowers & chocolates…. but the other 364 1/4 days, it was same old same old – crash… boom… bang….

So, no, folks… no Happy Womens Day from me to anyone… but this post.. this graphic that I sat this morning to create (along with a free Canva template for Luvena Rangel)… is to celebrate, acknowledge, admire, respect, cherish, applaud, nourish, nurture, and all other celebratory things…. every…. single…. day…..

Otherwise, it is just eyewash… and I have not time nor patience for it…

Celebrating myself today & everyday, everyone… and my wish for you is to celebrate yourself today & everyday too…

Because, we deserve to…

All my love,
Luvena Una Rangel

Choosing Me

Quote saying, 'Be proud of not faking who you really are' with a hashtag on authenticity

I’d been mulling over a few things of late – you know, the kind of things that stand in front of you and don’t budge until you really take a call? Yes, the kind of thing that challenges you to really hold your ‘values’ placards in your face, legs akimbo, raise an eyebrown and say, ‘Well?! Whatsit gonna be?? Whatcha gonna do??! What’s your decision?? Who you gonna choose?

And I chose myself.

Easy, you think?
Not at all – not even for someone whom many of you perceive as ‘strong’ and ‘clear headed’ and all sorts of things… making such choices is not easy. It has taken me months to fully own this choice (no, I will not go into the details), but trust me, it was hard.

I had to look at myself as an individual, as a woman, as a mother and as someone who has a circle of influence, as show up with responsibility. I could have kept it to myself too, but this also serves as showing up for the one person who deserves this more than ever – myself.

I had to show up for myself and be true & real to ME.
I was tired of the half-assery… like literally tired – physically drained… and very honestly, for nothing! You know that bone-deep exhaustion that comes from putting way too much energy and personal effort into something that doesn’t have the capacity to receive it? A wasted effort… or worse, an unvalued one…?

Yeahh… even the best of us can fall through the cracks sometimes and you’ll have all your friends and best wishers who will see it and tell you, ‘Hey girl, what are you doing? Stop! I can’t believe YOU are letting yourself go like this….’ and they’ll worry about how it is taking a toll on your health, your mind, your productivity, your energy, your relationships, your LIFE….

but they’ll also know to hold space for you, not just because they love you, but also because, some decisions you will make only when you ready to learn and decide. (The one fierce friend of mine who knows this and will be reading this – will fist bump the air and call me tomorrow morning – I’m sure of it!)

So, yes, I chose me…. and I chose being true to myself, being authentic… and to tap into that thing called resilience.

And you know what? It is not that bad… I thought it would be worse, but it isn’t.

Authenticity fosters resilience against emotional harm and gaslighting by enabling us to fully belong in our skin, accepting our strengths, flaws, and works-in-progress.

Authenticity and resilience may appear as two sides of the same coin at times. It takes resilience to show up with authenticity. Not many people can handle unapologetic & unbridled authenticity in others.

It is not uncommon to be blamed for making others uncomfortable when we stand in our truth – either because they lack the spine to stand up for what is… or just because it is deeply unnerving & unsettling to stand in another’s light.

I will not dim my light to take on someone else’s darkness.
I will not take on misplaced guilt for someone else’s shortcomings. That is not on me.
I will not, ever, apologize for showing others how to treat me. Making it clear, to another’s discomfort, is not being unreasonably demanding, it is self-respect and a blue print of an expectation. Not a reason to feel lesser than, and not a reason to apologize.

If you cannot take that, the please step aside.
I choose to move ahead… to look ahead….

and continue to be me – unapologetically me.

~ Luvena Rangel

The Silence That Is…


I came across this quote yesterday and I liked it.
It also made me think about silence – in my own space.
Loquacious, at worst, is where I would find myself usually – wordy, long paragraphs, and I can express in depth… but silence?
Yes, I did silence, I understood it too…
In different ways…

Speech is silver, silence is golden.

I had heard this proverb quite often, but not all silences are the same, are they? Not all are nurturing, or healing even! That golden silence often came in different shades – ranging from pristine platinum to diseased, sticky murk.

One kind of silence was be the peaceful tranquility of a sleeping baby or even the calming stillness of the dawn…

Or it may be the drowsy silence of a day just stirring into activity.

There is that other kind, that bides time while someone is speaking – bides time to answer, to justify, to lay blame, to retort…. and there is also the more calmer, intelligent silence of taking the time to understand. Maybe there never would be a resulting agreement, but, for sure, there is a deeper feeling of respect for having been heard out. The silence that comes from listening actively and taking in everything that the other is attempting to express.

Of course, there is the pregnant pause that pulsates with the tension of possibilities – an acute and heightened awareness of may happen next – a pause that makes us hold our breath with sheer excitement of the outcome. Words would simply not do any justice until the moment passed and a sigh of relief was sighed away…

The verklempt silence – when the pain is so intense that your throat clenches with unshed tears, unresolved anger or emotions, and the throat simply shuts down despite the cacophony of clashing thoughts and words scrambling for attention in your head – desperate to make some sense, derive some sensibility – yet unable to string into cohesive phrases and logical coherence. It isn’t really the reluctance to share, but the inability to, that builds a space of silent suffering.

The icy silence of the cold shoulder, however, is deeply unsettling. It is the kind that pushes you away and eliminates any offer of love, care and support. It is an angry, punishing silence that establishes a distance between people; with eggshells strewn all over common spaces that creates a constant state of anxious hypervigilance. Carried on long enough, over weeks and months conditioned into years, the silence here is serrated enough, not only to cut through butter, but also sharp enough to break bridges – perhaps never to mend again!

The silence of compromise may follow, when agreeing to disagree maybe? This may be a positive if there is a mutually discussed arrangement to let bygones be bygones. I believe compromises are often just assumed and never quite actively agreed upon. I think, sadly, they come from a play of power dynamics, guilt and a fear of losing a sense of safety and comfort zones inevitably making them silences of forced compromise & manipulation. This silence is devastating – treacherous – one that makes you live furthest from authentic wholeness – in a Lalaland of denial and fantasy. Can genuine compromises ever be made in silence?

The bystander’s silence – complicit in the injustices perpetrated….
and the sufferer’s silence – of repeated denial, waning hope and dismissal of but poorly concealed and unbearable onslaught to the body, mind and soul. Screaming… silently.

There is also the silence of surrender and giving up – when all is lost, but you practically weigh your wins and your losses and, perhaps selfishly, resort to silence that safely would not rock the boat and keep you in the green zone of tolerable conformation. The silence of noncommittal ‘going with the flow’ because of the hopelessness of trying to do anything but just that. Here the silence of cowardice stems from a lack of faith, and inability to trust that your best interests would ever be valued, honored, and respected. And yet, we choose to surrender, against every grain of our instinct, for the sake of self-preservation and a cowing down to ‘what if’s… playing into the web of masterminding deceit… and, knowingly allowing yourself to be led because… sigh!… what if? Better just shut up and go with it, no? Never for the sake of doing what needs doing, gracefully, but more so for compliance to a norm and safeguarding one’s interest…. in silence…

Then there is a powerful silence of presence that steps in during moments of unspeakable grief, sorrow, death.. and even during moments of extremely intense emotional outbursts. Words fail to console a heart that is heavy with loss and angst. In those moments, a steady, unwavering presence of a witnessing silence – no words required – just the assurance of a companion by your side as you try to make sense of the madness – no solutions offered, no platitudes shared, no quick-fix affirmations – but maybe, a box of tissues placed nearby, some water, maybe an arm across the shoulder…. or as I had the privilege of experiencing a few days back, the knowing that I needed to be embraced – without any agenda – just held gently – no questions asked. I offered no explanations. None were needed. He was just there – holding me for a few minutes until I recovered and the moment passed… Even I didn’t know that I needed that hug… in silent knowing…

And finally, there are those moments of deep intimacy, when no words are required, and the stillness of the quiet seems just right, stolen just enough. The silence there is peaceful – a kind of restfulness that just allows you to be. It is that comforting awareness of being with the one you love – even for the briefest of moments – when no words, no actions… nothing is required and yet the silence takes over… enveloping you in a warm blanket of absolute presence full of possibilities and yet, no expectations. The silence of lovers entwined in the simple and unequivocal embrace of surrender and acceptance – all grief, sorrow, compromises, and thrills notwithstanding… everything just is. Every sense is alert – the sound of soft but deep resting breaths and steady heartbeats, the fragrance of warm skin, the texture of hair, the dark depths of the canvas behind closed eyelids, the lingering taste of everything that transpired… highly sensory, yet emotionally non-draining.

The sound of that silence is my most cherished – not one that we take for granted – for we know how fleeting those moments are – how transient. Cherished, because it takes a special someone to elicit that sense of utmost safety to just be – to care for, and be cared by – so deeply, that you know it in your bones regardless of the prevailing situations and circumstances, that the silence is here and in the now regardless of the physical distance that exists… and because it doesn’t come by so easily…

The sound of silence that just is

What have you experienced with silence? Do let me know in the comments…

To Teacher, With Love


I’d love you to meet my high school English teacher, Reeny Georgie – a woman of exemplary grace, calm, poise & elegance. Today, 30 years later, our relationship has evolved from that of a teacher & her student, to a cherished friendship as two adult women navigating life on our own terms. Here’s a story you would want to hear… more so, because it is a story that I want to share with you all.

I met Miss Reeny – the erstwhile convent way of addressing our teachers – in September 1993 as I entered Grade 11 just after the Gulf War in Kuwait. She taught me English in Grade 11 & 12 and was also our class teacher in the final school year. We took the same school bus – me with my siblings, she with her three young children. While her oldest was my sister’s classmate, the youngest was a kindergartener with whom I used to have the most amazing chats possible! Almost a decade between us, that little fella was the first one to excitedly call me, ‘Dude!’

It must come as little surprise that Miss Reeny was one of my favorite teachers – English being one of my favorite subjects! But I really did enjoy English. I would love it when it was my turn to read out loud and still remember being choked with emotion as I was passionately emoting the part of ‘Nearer My God To Thee’ in our English reader as we studied a text on ‘The Titanic’. We spoke about it on our way back home that afternoon. I didn’t think much about it back then, but today I recognize it as a very meaningful exchange – I was all of 16 and discussing ‘life’ and ’emotions’ with my English teacher who somehow seemed to get me and didn’t infantilize my thoughts.

Anyway, Miss Reeny had this look about her that captivated me from the first time I saw her. Her calm and gentle mannerism alongside her very intense, intuitive and contemplative gaze was simply fascinating! I had been in that school since kindergarten but she was different and unlike many of the other teachers. She came across has someone who did her own thing and didn’t have much time for riff-raff. I have no idea what happened in the Staff Room, but she appeared to be ‘different’. In my view, I liked her and I got along well with her. I didn’t really know what she saw in me. To be honest, I didn’t think teachers did that with their students at all – ‘see’ them beyond school work, that is!

Over the years, however, Miss Reeny & I, we stayed in touch. I would visit school every time I visited Kuwait and enjoy sharing my stories with her. Later, social media made it easier to stay connected and we would interact more frequently over each other’s photographs, milestones and life events.

In recent years, however, especially over the past 7-8 years, Miss Reeny and I got very close. Our relationship has shifted markedly to one of maturity and womanhood – empathy and spiritual exchange. Words truly fall short when I try to explain the kind of relationship I have with her today.

Our conversations revolved around books, feminism, life, parenting and caregiving. We talk about our spiritual outlook to life and philosophical sustenance is something we seem to bring to the table together. We share snippets of our experiences as mothers and daughters. And, most importantly, we have somehow created a sacred space of openness and vulnerability for both of us that I have with very few others in my adult life. She is always one of the first to applaud my achievements and right there in my chatbox if she senses that my posts are taking a turn towards dark humor insinuating an underlying crisis.

Would it suffice to say that she has seen me at my lowest and has still cheered me on endlessly? She has popped into my messenger numerous times to remind me that she is waiting for me at the finish line, cheering me on to keep going. No, it wouldn’t suffice to just say that… Because while she cheers me on and we talk about all sorts of things under the sun, I also know that she is one of the rare folks with the emotional intelligence and capacity to hear me out, hold space for me and still soothe me when I try to make sense of this crazy thing called life.

She is one of the first people who come to my mind when I have to share important news – be it on matters of love, loss or heartbreak. And I know when I share, I will be met with confidence and absolutely no judgement. Sometimes, I just rant because, well, an English teacher can read through – and she doesn’t make a fuss with typos & grammar either. 🙂

Miss Reeny is one of the very few people who has known me for the past 30 years and seen me grow from a teenager to the adult woman I am today. When I read her messages to me, especially on days that I wish for some tender gooey loving comfort, I feel seen and heard and known and understood. She is also the only teacher, who calls me Luvi after I left school. Who wouldn’t want to be cared for?

This is something she sent me a few days back in response to a very challenging experience that I had shared with her:

Imagine that! Someone, who isn’t my parent, who saw me when I was 15 or 16 and recognized me in a way that even I didn’t see myself. I didn’t even know I was half those things – but she did.

Where does childhood end and adulthood commence? When do we pause to see ourselves as who we are becoming? And when do we even pause to see someone else become the best version of themselves possible? And do we even take the time out to tell them?

My conversation with Miss Reeny a few days back was wholesome. I needed a loving voice to remind me that I was walking an insanely painful path as best as I could. She showed up for me with all her kindness and warmth and just reminded me of the goodness that existed – both in & around me – through my children, partner and even my friends – some of whom she knows from school.

I write today, with utmost candor, that relationships are complex. And people judge. Yet, there are those amongst us who recognize the complexities of life and challenges and step in to be a little pinkie finger that you can hold on to and navigate the next foothold.

We finish school and get on to building careers and raising families – sometimes we remember our teachers for different reasons. Sometimes, our teachers remain with us – not to teach us anything more academic, but to remind us that we walk in life together. That our joys, and our pain, are shared. That a bond between a teacher and her student, need not be just that – but one of genuine care, concern, and love.

It isn’t maternal, or sisterly; nor is it just womanhood or simply human. It is something else altogether. And I will stop analyzing it.

Thank you for allowing me to share Miss Reeny with you all… because for everything that she does and for all the ways she reaches out to me, she is super special…

Overrated Friendship?


Are we overrating ‘friendship’ these days?

In the past 2 months, I’ve seen people treat others whom they’ve known for years, some even for decades, in the most appalling ways… In different instances, here are some things that happened:

  • Publicly humiliated, targeted & e-lynched a friend with strangers over a highly exaggerated incident taken out of context.
  • Lied about a friend to others over drinks
  • Practically attempted to pimp away a friend‘s significant other to someone else in the presence of so called friend
  • Called friend all sorts of slurs on a public platform
  • Abused friend viciously in their absence at a gathering…. the words reached so called friend from well wishers to keep an eye out for back stabbers.
  • Fabricated intimate stories about themselves with friends (to set up rumors)
    … and so on…

I’ve both witnessed these instances happen to my friends.. and, well, been on the receiving end of some too…  I don’t think I had this level of stupidity even when I was in high school! These are adults I’m referring to!

Do they affect me? Not entirely… because the immaturity of it is really not something I’m overly envious of…

But it affects me for the sake of my friends who have had to endure this low level of betrayal and shoddy treatment at the hands of those whom they called (some still call) friends. How does one even call someone their friend and then proceed to throw them under the bus or speak crap about them to validate their own distorted stories?

I sense insecurity, jealousy and envy – for others’ life, choices – both available and availed of, of self pity and self loathing. Then there’s the gaslighting, the inability to listen / acknowledge the pain they’ve caused, the refusal to apologize and then to go on a relentless slandering spree. Uff!

I’m really lucky, I’ve got some fabulous people in my life who have my back. Those others, who showed themselves through their behavior both towards my dear friends as well as myself, I’m happy to distance myself from and give that time to better, nicer people (both in real life & Facebook friends and groups). It isn’t difficult, really it isn’t.

I mean, seriously folks – friendship needs cultivation…. not just partying through the ups but also hanging in there through the downs. You should be able to both support and lovingly hold the mirror to your friend when required. It also means holding yourself accountable and being willing to be shown the mirror instead of being the abusive defender and then going on a rampage.

Friendship is respectful and maintains boundaries, although a good friendship may push those boundaries a little bit in the best interest of the friend…. with love and care always. … but never, ever violate it… Friends allow each other to grow – individually as well as with each other. Friendship does not stake a claim or ownership, neither does it stand in the way of other significant relationships & friendships.

Sigh! To have witnessed this hurtful exposition in the name of friendship is harsh.. but we have all kinds, no?

It Is Possible

Pic credit: Alexas_Fotos at Pixabay

I’d like to share something with you today. Something deep & personal.
Let me share quite honestly that it is possible to fall in love again (& maybe again and again, I wouldn’t know about that), but the possibility of falling in love at least one more time after the deepest kind of heartbreak is possible.
It is bloody scary and uncertain as hell… but it is possible.


It is no easy thing to realize that all the carefully structured walls and guards have failed and mercilessly fallen; all those carefully crafted affirmations of being perfectly OK with being alone and unattached, look at me from the side as if to mock me (with kindness, though, or so I’d like to believe).

I sigh again, with a resignation that is accompanied by tears of that silent shrug that seemingly asks, ‘You don’t really know what you’re doing, do you?’

Yet, there’s a warmth in this stupid feeling that amidst all the dead ends that appear to mock me again and again, sticking their tongue at me, thumbing their noses at me, I’m still walking, eyes wide open, into the arms of a smile that reaches their eyes, and lips that follow honestly said words that inevitably should mean very little in the grand scheme of things.

And yet, here I am – this smart, intelligent woman whose strength might be her very weakness – because strong people are supposed to suck it up and bear the brunt of life’s suckiness.

And yet, somehow, this feels like the place I want to be – the place I feel loved, cherished, cared for, respected, accepted… it is this place that feels like home…

I fit in… perfectly…. doubtlessly… irrationally (trust me, on this one!)

A friend says I’ve endured one of the roughest and rawest deals in life. Another warns me about every pitfall perceivable. Both agree it’s one of the best things I’ve had in a long while, both are silent as I sit still in the flux.

So it is possible.
But it is daunting.
And it is also terrifying to come so close to realizing how dangerously possible it is to care deeply for another.
Even more terrifying to realize that someone can care so deeply for you. I mean I was petrified when it happened. So much so that I had an upset stomach – I literally couldn’t digest it, let alone comprehend it!

But it is possible
It is possible to be gentle with myself just as much as I can be gentle with another despite the harsh pain and lethal violence I have seen first hand.

It is possible to trust.
Mind you, I don’t mean trust someone else, but to trust myself to trust another after experiencing horrifying betrayal.

It is possible to see time being made for me after decades of being an errant after thought that felt like a hot spear being pierced in a young woman’s heart.

It is possible to love and be loved… even in a situation that seems painfully unapproachable.

But what does one do when all good thought has exhausted itself and all that remains is the undeniable compatibility and joy that exists in the company of that smile?

Tell me I’m wrong… tell me I’m being naïve and be a good friend, won’t you? Tell me to look back at two decades of grief, sorrow and heartache and still believe that I don’t deserve this slice of unfortunately timed good fortune…

It is hilarious in its ridiculousness of timing…

But, it is possible

And I’m stepping into that possibility because I can… and because there’s more to lose if I don’t.

And losing is something I don’t choose for myself.

Because it is possible.

Addressing Toxic Positivity

Pic Credit: Lionel Rangel

I want to share something in the wake of my last few posts. I know that my updates usually land beautifully with you all often because I have awesome friends & family, students, acquaintances, teachers, neighbors etc. But I need to share this with as much clarity & honesty as I can muster today.

My posts are usually raw with a generous sprinkling of sarcasm, wit & humor (sometimes even dark). My stories, slices of life, are a genuine sharing to document my own milestones and to nudge a little optimism into this social space I occupy – there’s more than enough of the serious topics that wallow in negativity in this world that we all navigate. But, I want to very clearly state that in the 40 minutes it takes me to type out my post, what you read and absorb are the cumulative emotions focused towards that post. Remember that I practically have another 23 hours of the day when emotions, feelings, incidents, issues and matters all come tumbling through in all ways & styles.

What I am saying is that – while I do have a largely positive and optimistic outlook to things, humor has been my coping mechanism – sometimes having saved me from serious danger. I am also saying that I do have horribly sh*ty days & moments too. It would be a lie to say otherwise.

Any relationship – with others or ourselves – has the potential to bring grief and I am human (not a cow!) and I get to experience the entire spectrum of my fallible human-ness. I get angry & furious at times, at other moments I feel offended, hurt & humiliated. I sometimes feel shame, occasional guilt and doubt. I remember past hurts that shape my responses today. I worry at times when I needn’t and I find it a struggle to remind myself to trust that I am loved and loveable – and believe it when people say they do. And in my very private moments, I also cry. I find myself extremely vulnerable in those moments and only those closest to me will see me shed a tear. (My children are not included in this statement 🙂 It is my moral duty to shed mom tears in their presence)

There are other things also.

That’s my point – there are other things and emotions that I struggle with… but I have also come to understand that they are OK. They are OK for ME to feel. My emotions are not someone else’s baggage to be comfortable with. It is natural for me to write with candor – to bring in the humor and irony of life in my stories, even my angry rants. I am an emotional writer after all! So I wanted to, very honestly and humbly, share with you all that despite it all, I have my moments. I am lucky, privileged & blessed to have a wonderful family, friends, community & teachers who have been instrumental in helping me navigate this roller coaster journey – it has not been easy. My journey has been anything but easy – sometimes I wonder how I am still alive, but I am.

I am also positive but not living in delusion. I am practical and yet soft to the possibilities of life and goodness. I am prepared yet sufficiently nervous about the uncertainties of life – and excited for it even more.

That’s it.. that’s all I wanted to share today – that I am not wearing any toxic positivity mask when I share my good moments. That the good & the bad weaves in & out in equal measure…. and some days are hormone-influenced… Sending you all my love & nicest thoughts today…

First published on Luvena’s facebook page on 12th January 2022

My 2022 with a Bang!


Here’s my ‘2022 with a Bang’ post!

After nearly 5 years, the titanium implant that got me back on my feet is finally out. You know how the saying goes, one needs to break and crush intensely before rebuilding? That violent fracture was the ‘break’ that, quite literally, propelled me towards making strong & hard decisions – about myself, my work, my business, my values, my relationships and my choices. They say, bent but not broken and say it’s yoga etc… Not quite… because broken also happened and yoga took me through it. What? It was just two bones, yes, but look at what &,who has come through? Me… This healing, healing, healed, and still healing woman – ME – is here because I show up.

The past 2 weeks I’ve contemplated deeply on this person I’ve become and still becoming- some of you may get it, many of you may not – but my journey, my choices…. my happiness. So let’s see what this new year is acknowledging & heralding – as much for my benefit, as it could be to give voice to someone somewhere.I’ve waited this week to fully acknowledge what the past year has created, post surgery, even, because, well, what’s a Luvena story without some drama?!

1. 2021 showed me heartache like never before around relationships I thought were watertight. They are, always were. All that needed doing was me exhaling & relaxing the leash. In Vedanta, we call it detachment- I have thousands of miles to go still, but this sneak preview was pretty insightful.

2. I learnt to trust myself to trust others. This one’s huge. It came with loads of risk, biggest being the risk of not trusting my own instinct if my choices would backfire. Well, this firebrand just owned that department, people!!

3. I learnt to let me be loved. This was another huge one. From friends who bugged me to get on Bumble to me going there to report accounts (lol, I really did), to Bumble saying they don’t have any matches for my preferences &, finally converting my status to dormant – yep, futile effort. Blinding oneself to attention is really a thing. It gets worse when we get used to it and quite surprising when genuine affection in varying shades slips in from the least likely of places. How, why, when and where two people meet & connect and hit it off is a mystical WOWZER moment. I learnt….

4. I owned my power. Personally and professionally, I held my ground… & faced tremendous resistance. I do me. Take it or leave it.

5. I put one foot in front of the other, on loop, when there was nothing else I could do. The uncertainty led me on. At other times, all I did was breathe.

6. I loved myself a little more every day, a little harder every single time. I saw the beauty in my reflection and even more so in my imperfections. I accepted compliments better than ever before and was gracious, in all honesty, when they praised my intelligence and forthright words as much as my looks, body awareness & sex appeal – all defined in my own terms.

7. I figured it was A-OK to change my mind… and just as well, to allow others to change theirs.

8. I understood that my breaking made me tougher on the outside but beautifully vulnerable and soft on the inside. I believe it is this part of me that I have fallen in love with the most.

9. Awards happened… they’re good – for me, for my community and my tribe… but let’s go beyond that for now. I have my eyes on a bigger prize 🤩🥰 Let’s hear it for me, folks!!

10. I am putting me first this year. September brought up a huge health concern and I’m still working through it, but my doctors are great! That’s also the reason I’m writing this from my hospital bed – this needed doing and I’m fully ready to stand without bolstering. But #PuttingMeFirst isn’t just in the body space, it’s in every space – mind, spirit, connections…

Gosh! There’s so much Luvena here… but really, it’s a great year to start amidst all the uncertainty. So, I’m here, everyone, bent, broken, massaged and reset into this, THIS. I thought the hospital gown pics make for a great draw and would remind you that even in the worst moments, one can center gratitude for our own peace of mind. Wait for the bedpan stories… because I do have some.. Watch out for me this year people, you’ll not only get lots more than awesome pics, but also something that I myself will be super thrilled about!

Life Comes Full Circle…

Image by Public Co from Pixabay

I’m not really at a loss of words toda as much as I am at a fullness of feeling. In April of this year, Ash received 2 scholarships & an offer to join Hult International Business School. Today is Ash’s first day at Univeristy – ok, he says it is ‘Orientation Week’… but it still is Uni….. and I’m looking back at 19 years and a full term pregnancy journey raising this child.

So, yes, my heart is full…. because seeing Ash persevere with his quiet resilience has both torn my heart and at the same time borne witness to how he has quiety guarded his vulnerability and still surely and slowly stepped into this space of strength. His resilience astounds me (although his teenage boorishness annoys the hell out of me)!

I’ve spent this morning reminiscing… walk with me, if you please…

A difficult, lonely pregnancy that carried all the symptoms of a traumatic relationship, visiting the Consulate with a 15 day newborn & a fresh C-Section scar to get his passport because his other non post-partum refused to process it; being each other’s full time companions for 13 months, endless pram rides to Sahara Center, nursing his viral fever while my own fever was a raging nightmare – eventually both of us admitted in the same room. Winning the Baby Crawling Olympics and participating in the largest mural of baby pics. Me attending interviews with baby in tow – getting my life changing placement in Dubai with BP Middle East! My heart breaking when he cried out, “Mama!!” on my first day back at work & me taking public transport for the first time in my life after work because his grandmother thought that her daughter in law shouldn’t work and so his father refused to figure out the logistics and child care involved. I earned my license soon after.

First day at school, neat uniform even when returning from school (how can that ever happen?!), nursing his viral fever while having a raging fever myself, fractures (don’t ask how many!), being the first face he wanted to see after his surgeries, ruthless punishments (yes, I was very nasty too – so ashamed of it today, but that was true), Gold in UAE Gymnastics, having an auditorium roar with appaluse at his Street Jazz performance…. and an ealier community arts event where he tried his hand at Community Drumming and asked an elderly woman from the audience to please dance the Salsa with him!

Early morning drives to his swimming, soccer & basket ball practices (straight after my 12 hours night shifts), handwriting classes (yes, he went to an Indian school that guilted me into this.!), birthday parties, pre-ordering PS3 games, standing in line with me for my pre-ordered Harry Potter books, and his love of specific brands of shoes – make that very expensive shoes! Oh & movies! Endless movies – because he was my BEST movie partner – I think we’ve visited every movie hall in the Dubai & Sharjah!

Fighting with teachers on his behalf and, just as well, watch him write an apology letter to some others too, witnessing him read out a letter to his classmates about how bullying felt and how everyone can do better – this, when he was in grade 6! Soccer training, walking the BFC players with his siblings, training for the I-League and daily 50km drives to his soccer ground during his Grade 10 year – because… it might be his last time to experience soccer at that level while at school! We took the risk. Oh and that joy of seeing him walk up to receive his sash & badge to the Prefecture not once, but for two of his Senior years!

And then there were the talks on drugs and sex and girls and respect and sexuality, abuse, harassment, politics, the left versus the right, privilege, how the system has failed us, failed me…. and yet how aware we are of our privilege. The pride I felt when his classmates parents would call me to say that they would send their daughters to parties if Ash would be there.

Him being a very, very annoying older brother, but a very, very, very protective older brother too. The unquestioned months he helped me care for his younger sister after her surgery, how he helped me look after his younger brother after his injuries… and even how he cared for me after my surgeries. He cared. He cares.

So, this post is for something else too. This is for the sake of my Facebook Memories to remind me about myself. This is as much a self acknoweldgement post as it is about motherhood, resilience, strength and the child who nudged me to be all of that because nothing, absolutely nothing would keep me away from protecting the one baby because of whom I am alive today.

The past months have been stressful af. Some days, I had no idea – zero clue – about what the next day would bring me. I had the ‘pleasure’ of having doors shut on my face as well as the ‘joy’ of seeing true colors…. and throw in a fistful of hurdles that is the purpose of existence of a privileged and narcissistic few…
but… BUT….

Here I am, looking back at myself when I had no answers and only conviction to today, when I still have no answers but the questions just resolved themselves…. of course with the support and shoulders of a few who held me up when my mind drew blanks and reminded me to just breathe.

And I did.

My 19year old is in University!!Single parenting is a killer – humbling, yet strengthening – even after being dragged through the mud, face down… bent but not broken… and still standing!Even the darkest moments when everything seems like a lonely fight, all it takes in one person to turn things around.My son is in University and I’ve put him through it teaching yoga. Yup, not great flashy yoga, no big marketing strategies – simple, true, humble teachings. But these small, powerful teachings, are putting my son through University.Grace exists.I always, ALWAYS have awesome people who have come forward to help support me support others. Friends, students, teachers, domestic staff, meal providers, laptop technicians, doctors, gardeners., Swiggy & Zomato even… they are my community who have silently supported me. And here’s something a stranger told me yesterday, “Luvena, you only receive what you have given. It’s Karma!” I don’t want to bother digging deep into his words – but I can tell you this much, those words were kind and soothing – and nursed my heart with a caring & comforting salve.

It is what it is…

In my eyes, with my first born, in one sense, my life has come full circle. I gave birth to him and raised him well enough to be ready today to step into the next phase. I’ve done well.. He’s the testament.

Watch this space for when the younger come up to share their unique gifts with the world.

Coming Into My Own



I guess I’ve always been fiercely independent. Well, to be honest, it was more like a balancing act mostly – sometimes being fierce, at other times being independent. Let’s just say I have always been intense – both in my ferocity and my independence.

Yet, there were times when I would feel like the protagonist in the duck metaphor – successfully and calmly swimming my way across the pond, paddling furiously under the surface – but keep that smile pasted!


But, somewhere in this above-the-surface-below-the-surface mismatch, there was a disconnect – somewhere in this affray, I sensed I wasn’t being honest with myself – at least not totally, not brutally – not in the way I expected of myself.

So I set about doing nothing about it…. only to realize that I was actually getting myself entrenched in this wholly wondrous world of discovering ME (or at least the parts that I wasn’t totally in love with!)

Self-work is not necessarily hard, but it is serious work. You can’t get into it as a toe-dipping session. It isn’t something you opt-into when you have the time for it – it is a complete immersion – you get fully wet – and if you don’t know how to swim, you drink in some of the water too! There’s no room for hiding and masquerades, but there are plenty of mirrors and reflective ponds. There are volume boosters telling you about what a shit you are and how you’re not good enough for anything, but there even louder ones that you find to turn up the heat on those quiet whispers that say, “I got you, babe!” & “We’ve got this!

It took me six months of this year to to align myself to ME. And it took me all of those six months to remind myself of who I am and what I wanted. ‘Soul questions‘ as Deepak Chopra taught us – so I asked myself every day, every month – and asked others while leading meditations and beyond – those questions that tickled the very deepest parts of our selves – and eked out a response so deeply buried under all the conditioning of ‘What will people say?‘ or ‘What would someone think?‘ or worse, ‘Do I deserve this at all?

That was when the penny dropped!

I was like, “Hey! Wait a minute…“… “Wait for just one bloody minute!

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Who exactly was in charge here?? Who was driving the shots and me taking a call on what mattered most for me? Who was validating my need, my desire, my want for happiness? Who exactly was allowing me (or disallowing me) my connection to myself – to me being me??

And I FELT it. I really, truly FELT it – in my gut, in my chest, in my arms, my legs, my head – I felt the WHOLE ME – I felt ALL of me come to life – in tingles and bursts and fireworks. I felt my cheeks flush and my blood rush to my head. I felt it love – with myself, with the world, with people around me. I felt the kinship to that beautiful roaring fire of my Martian Pitta Aries nature and personality! And all of them came to the fore.

OMG!! OMG!! I felt ALIVE!

I FEEL alive!!

That sexy glorious sparkling feeling of being IN your element! That awesomeness!

I realize that this journey of self-discovery has been my springboard to reconnection – to the real me. What I do is in synch with how I feel and what I want. Unapologetically, truly me – forging ahead without the need for anyone’s approval or validation. Conscious of my falls, yet unashamedly willing to dust myself off and step out – again and again…. Yet, keeping it real enough by pooling in the wisdom of hindsight and the expectation of foresight – tinged on the boundaries with the courage, confidence and passion of fire.

No more the furious paddling below the surface – because what you see is what you get!

Yes, I have come into my own…. and dancing to my own rhythm, my own fire…
