Tag Archives: Shaming

The Perverse Joy in Shaming..


Yesterday I addressed a group of womxn who had registered for my session and logged in from across India & other countries to hear me speak. Some 240+ registrations I think…I absolutely LOVED the hour I had & shared about dysmorphia, self love, acceptance, sexuality, ageism, parenting with body acceptance and, of course, an attitude of unapologetic radical kicka*s self love. I chose to speak without a script because conversations reach the heart only when they’re had in spaces encouraging vulnerability, integrity, community and unflinching authenticity – values that The Curvy Yogi is built on… values, without which, my identity would tremble.

The image below is me just as the session was starting. I loved the way I looked – it wasn’t just the lighting – it was how I felt because of a number of factors and a number of things that happened earlier.

The inserted comment in the image arrived earlier yesterday – one of many others. Receiving hate mail & harassment is not acceptable but in many unfortunate scenarios it is also normalized as ‘to be expected’. To be honest, I don’t get lots and I’m very grateful for that, but sometimes some come in for a number of reasons.

Why do I share it here today?

Because in view of the conversation I led last evening, this comment asks me, “Do you accept this label (& slur)?”

My answer: “No, I do not.”

1. I’m not a cow – I have 23 pairs of chromosomes which, when I last checked, still make me human. I’m also a woman with all the right stuff in all the right places – more of me to hold, more of me to love, no?

2. I’m fat, yes… so? Do I walk with a filter so people cannot see the curves where they are? People ‘choose’ to like, love, accept me as they’ve seen me because they’ve seen me, because they’ve interacted with me… and for those very reasons. Also, I’m pretty awesome all by myself too!

3. I love cows! They’re big and graceful, have great eyelashes, give to the ungrateful milk industry and drop poop wherever they want to without even batting an eyelid. I mean, seriously!

So, folxs, I know a fresh introduction about me is overdue, but here’s a sneak preview either way: I may have lost a titanium implant but the steel and iron that reinforces the gold, platinum and diamond inside laced with oomph, power and chutzpah, hahah…. #LeavingTheRestUnsaid

Also, fyi, to clarify, the comment didn’t come during the session or from any of the super awesome hosts & participants. It was completely exclusive of this session.