Tag Archives: sexual-abuse

The Need to Talk About Women & Child Safety


I’ve been having many conversations on Women and Children’s Safety in India of late. Interestingly, I wasn’t prepared for the level of resistance to many processes and initiatives to keep women and children safe or even to initiate the conversation. The excuses were usually the cases of the misuse of law and legal resources by women that are highlighted to undermine the genuine trauma, PTSD, abuse and violence faced by the majority of victims and survivors.

As a community, however, we do not speak openly and compassionately of such matters – leaving those who suffer to languish in misplaced shame and devoid of the support of family or friends.

This is a long discussion, but some key thoughts I’d to share:

  1. Sexual harassment is not just groping, physical assault or rape. Unnecessary and uncalled for lewd comments, leering and ogling, making suggestive actions etc. are all forms of harassment that make the target of such behaviors feel uncomfortable and violated. Also remember, there can be no tangible proof for such behaviors.
  2. A victim of such harassment will very often not complain because of the shame they will experience and that they (and their body) will be treated like an object for public discussion – without empathy or sympathy.
  3. The perpetrator will often cockily walk away with the ready and self-exonerating statements like, ‘If I made them feel uncomfortable, they should have said something to me and I would have stopped. They didn’t – actually, THEY were flirting with ME – They wanted to sleep with me.“… No, it doesn’t work that way. The space created was not a safe space… and the responsibility is not on the victim to educate a creep of misbehavior when their primary objective is to get away from a threatening space and a dangerous person.
  4. Victims are usually hesitant to report incidents because they feel the onus of showing proof is on them. How do you prove that a lecher’s behavior, especially when no one else was around, made you uncomfortable? How do you prove that you were molested if there aren’t any cameras to capture the deed? And then, who walks away with their head held high?
  5. Present day teenagers and children are most vulnerable as they appear to be more aware with facts. Sadly, having to deal with pedophiles while they are still learning their way through adolescence is a terrifying ordeal to endure.

Part 2: The shared responsibility to protect the vulnerable.