Tag Archives: Men

The Fantasy of a Strong Woman


Let’s see, patriarchy is a crappy system for us – ALL of us! We have many women and ‘aware’ men (or so we ALL like to believe) who stand up for a world based on equity and parity. Yet, patriarchy is a bloody truth that we all are a part of.

So where does the strong woman come in? She comes in to defy the very fabric of the stereotype. She stands up, even though she has been broken, and she stands tall and steely, through blood, bruises, tears, whatever…. and guess wtf happens?

The boys club rallies together in support of the patriarchy. Yesterday I saw first hand the coming together of ‘men’ in solidarity with one of their own – a man who openly, cockily & haughtily admitted to doing what he did They steadfastly arrived to be there by HIS side but also refused to meet the eye of the woman who was standing all by herself at the other side doing what needed to be done. Men who knew this woman, interacted with her, spoke to her, apparently ‘held her in high regard’… all that BS… but when push came to shove, and despite knowing that she could have done with at least a supportive word or an unbiased “Do you need a ride home?”, they ignored her – IGNORED her like a stranger. And, gave company to an arrogant, abusive jerk – because, well, all in the name of US v/s her.

Perhaps things would have been different if she just toed the line & fit the image of a weak woman who would be the ever compassionate & forgiving picture of Indian docility and brush everything under the carpet…. then perhaps they would be happy to help an Ideal Indian Woman who they would come forward to help – allowing their chivalry an opportunity to shine.

Strong women? Nah! Weak men cannot handle strong women…

That is the reality of the people we live with. So here’s to Strong Women, may we know them, may be raise them, may we be them!
