Tag Archives: Adam Grant

The Intergenerational Sandwich

From Adam Grant’s Twitter

As I understand, this inter-generational concept is making some waves in the present Indian societal context where people are constantly sandwiched between generational expectations. We are often made to live with an ingrained expectation to appease our ancestors – sometimes it may be passed on as a debt we can never repay, quite literally so, too. What a weight to press down on our children!

I have thought about this often – thinking if I would ever measure up to repaying all the sacrifices that my parents made for me – I realize I cannot. I used to wonder if I make my parents proud – I somehow believe I do. I also realise that essentially speaking, there is no debt, but a passing of understanding to live ethically & somewhere in that is the responsibility to do what is required – not as an injunction or expectation but as an act of civility perhaps?

As a self-sustaining adult, my hope is to build enough of resources & structural support to not be a liability on my children. As a parent, my hope is to provide them with the security of basic needs and sound education alongside a set of values that will give them the foundation to support themselves. My responsibility is to leave behind decent children who can be people of value to this world they live in.

So what do I, then, have to offer to the next generation? Perhaps I just want to live the example. I do not want them to repeat my mistakes, maybe learn from them and not repeat them? I may not even want to be an example, but I could attempt to live as closely to the words I preach – to live authentically and as REAL as I possibly can. And when I fumble, falter, fall flat on my face or even fail, maybe I can own up to that and course correct.

Where is the need to live up to meet possibly impossible expectations of a bygone past when there is every need and necessity to do good for the future of our planet and the generations to come? After the way our predecessors (and we) have pilfered this planet and her resources, the least we can do is leave a better place for our children – and our children’s children!

I also am aware from this post that there are those of us who are childless or choose to not have children & may feel excluded by the words used in the original tweet. I do not make excuses for the author – I speak as a parent – a woman who chose to have children. In that space, I may choose to metaphorically include all descendants as offspring / the next generation to whom we shall remain ancestors and predecessors. I do not speak for those who feel excluded but I hold space for your feelings with all due respect – many of you are my dear friends & I wholly believe you are doing your bit for the future.

May that be the debt we owe to the future!

May that be the ultimate repayment of debt to our ancestors to safeguard the future of those who come to blaze the trail in our wake – if we leave it for them, that is.

As always, open to thoughts… and freely sharing mine..

Special credit also goes to someone who teased some of these thoughts out of me a few days back in casual conversation.

Much love,